Tuesday, November 21, 2006

70 yrs

70 yrs... thats a life time. You start working at 22, work on till 50, maybe 60. So thats around 40 yrs spent earning your bread. Both before and after those 40 yrs, for the most part, someone else earns it for you... But what makes those 40 yrs special? Wouldnt mind giving the biggest part of your life a thought now, would you? There's probably no single more influencing factor than - the people you work with.

And that realisation dawned on me when a friend at work decided to call it quits. When you spend atleast 8 hours a day at work, friends become family. And its those people that make all the difference. It those people that give you a reason, a meaning and a purpose to look forward to work each day. Its hard to let go of someone like that, when you would have, at times, imagined working together for a lifetime. Imagine losing a family member!

I sometimes dread the day I'd leave for another place to work at. I wonder if I'll be able to get the same kind of friends, the same atmosphere, the same vibe. But life's a journey, and you have to keep moving. So either your friends move on, or you - its inevitable - and its just a question of who's first.

70 yrs. Come to think of it, there's no single person that you're around from start to finish. Friends change, family settings change - people keep changing. There's only 1 constant in 70 yrs of your life on earth - God.