Sunday, April 8, 2007

A great parent

Parents aren't lucky if their children are born smart. Now I'm not a parent (yet!), so my views may only be of so much value. But I used to think that children were always born lucky or smart, and that its in a parents destiny to either have a smart child or a weak one. While that may not be completely wrong either, it is a huge responsibility of a parent to decide what their child turns out to be.

And that's exactly where she excels. She is a single mom of 3 kids, and one of her kids (Ben) suffers from autism. I'm not sure how I would have handled or responded to such a situation, but her kids are exactly where they need to be today. She has a fierce determination to help them excel - all 3 of them. She knows their strengths and weaknesses and keeps harnessing whatever strengths they have to overcome anything that is lacking in them. I see her passion in bringing them up in every little thing in her home, from the board games uses to have fun with her kids (and in the process train them!), to the way she admonishes even Ben when she needs to.

I'm glad we crossed paths in life. Before meeting her family, I think I would have spent time in self-pity if I had such a kid. Not anymore. Because she has showed me that in the respect of bringing up kids, there is no such thing called destiny. Parents aren't lucky if their children are born smart. Children are lucky if they have smart parents!


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